Sometimes things work out perfectly, even when you feel like it's not going well.
One of the things I hear most often from my family clients is "he's usually so happy at this time" or "he's not usually like this" and believe me. I get it. But a photoshoot is a different sort of day. There's a different energy that your kids pick up, a new person in their house, and kids run the gamut from being little flirts who want to act out to impress me, to being absolutely enraged that I'm in their home and messing up their normal life. And that's all ok.
Apparently this little man was having some attitude at the session, but honestly, I didn't notice, and the end result photos didn't show it either. In his own time he loved on his baby sister, posed for photos, and still got a little show-off time for the new photographer in his house.
His sister, is perhaps the most perfect newborn I've ever seen. From her nose that puts her future as a puffs tissue model, to the perfect chub and fuzzy hair, to the fact that she just wants to eat and sleep and be beautiful.
I'm sure she's going to grow up to look just like her brother and I think we can all agree that she's going to be a little heartbreaker as well.